NASA missions are super exciting!
(COMPLETE PROJECT takes TWO semesters…you may choose to enroll in 1 or both semesters. If you are interested in the National competition, you would take both semesters)!!!
Every year, there is a new subject matter that needs to be investigated and researched about. We’ll be building and programming robots, building huge platforms with barriers for the rovers to navigate, flying drones, building models, experimenting, doing a lot of research, art, math, and engineering throughout all missions. My project was selected as a National winner back in 2002, and it was such a phenomenal experience! However, it is not about winning, but rather gaining the overall experience of taking on such a huge project with a dedicated team, staying organized, doing proper documentation, and following through till the end. Simply completing the overall missions from beginning to the end makes one an automatic proud winner!
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
“Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done.” – Robert A. Heinlein
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