RAAC Policy

RAAC Policy


This Rachna’s Art & Academic Club (aka – RAAC) Services Form and Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Rachna Patel, director of an independent academic entity with a mission to inspire and teach students core and extra-curricular subjects. All Clients must comply with RAAC’s Services Policy in the performance of its Services. The RAAC Services Policy terms may be updated with written notice to Clients, which may be provided via e-mail or modifying the policy posted on RAAC website. RAAC reserves the right to use any photographs/video taken at any classes and/or events sponsored by RAAC, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photographs/videos. RAAC may use the photographs/videos in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by RAAC, including but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, social media, etc. Read and acknowledge all of the following terms of agreement to become a part of the RAAC family.

As a parent/guardian, I:

  • Will show respect and support for my child, the teachers, and the academic program.
  • Will support the school’s discipline policy.
  • Will attend parent-teacher conferences.
  • Will ensure my child brings all necessary materials to class.
  • Will take full responsibility for any damage incurred by my child.
  • Will inform the instructor, in writing, of any and all allergies, restrictions, and health conditions my child may have.
  • Understand “life happens” where accidents may occur including but not limited to falls, paper cuts, scrapes, etc., and I do not hold Rachna’s Art & Academic Club and any of its employees accountable.
  • Understand there may be additional fees for optional additional activities such as lab dissections and field trips.
  • Will process payment in full PRIOR to the first day of class(es).

Students are asked to:

  • Always try to do their best work and spend time studying when necessary.
  • Show respect for himself/herself, classmates, instructor, and school property.
  • Obey classroom and school rules.
  • Show respect for property by not stealing or vandalizing.
  • Come to school prepared with homework and necessary class supplies.
  • Clean their area before leaving for the day..


We understand life happens, and at times, we have to make unexpected decisions.

  • To avoid any penalty, provide us a written notification TWO weeks prior to the first class.
  • Any class cancellations less than two weeks prior to the first week of classes: 75% of the class price will be refunded. If payment is still pending or not processed yet, 25% of the class price will need to be paid in full to remain in good standing with RAAC.
  • Any class cancellations after the second week of classes: 50% of the class price will be refunded.
  • No refunds will be issued for any class cancellations after the third week of classes.
  • Ocean Grove Students and Parents: Any amount due that is not covered by Ocean Grove funds will be your responsibility to pay.

What Parents Have to Say